Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How Lucky Am I.....

Wow... how lucky am I!
I am so honoured to have my home "Voysey Cottage" featured in the House Tours section of Rick Rutherford's Country website!
Rick has done a great job on the story of my home, I am very happy with it.
For those of you who don't know about Rick, he used to be the Editor of the wonderful Country Collections magazine.  I have just about every copy of this great magazine, well the older issues used to be great.  Since Rick left the magazine years ago the magazine hasn't been as good and has moved away from the country themes that I love to look at and read about.
He has a lovely Country Store at Lawson in NSW which is a cottage house and it is packed full with wonderful treasures.  Each room has a different theme.  If you ever get the chance the visit you will not be disappointed.
Rick has a website which you can browse at your leisure.  If you would like to take a look at the website and my home in his House Tours section, here is the link, at the bottom of the page click on House Tours
Hope you enjoy!


  1. thats a bit exciting..i remeber when the magazine changed i don't buy it now

    1. Thanks, yeah I don't buy it anymore either.

  2. Hi Karen, you have the right to be chuffed, its great! I really enjoyed reading the post and seeing all the photos of your gorgeous house and wonderful collections.

    p.s. if you flipped the front of your house it is similar to ours :)

    1. Thanks Tam. I'm pretty partial to these houses, both my grandparents had houses like mine, one like mine and the other front fipped like yours..maybe that's why I like them.

  3. Karen I love love love your home, it is right up my alley, and how lucky to have the history of it, I live in a 100 yeal old home in the Lockyer Valley Qld, it was originally moved from Toowoomba and added on to, we have been "doing" it up for 10 years now, is it ever finished, my friends live in modern homes but they just do nothing for me even today I was out buying vintage decorating items (dust collectors my husband calls them), how lucky are you! ps I have been following your blog but never have left a comment before.

    1. Hi Lynne, welcome to my blog and thanks for your lovely comments. Your house sounds wonderful, you will have to start blogging and show photos. I love looking at others peoples houses you get some great ideas. I hope you haven't been affected by the lastest floods, I know the ones a couple of years ago went through Lockyer Valley. I have heard is a lovely place.

  4. I don't buy it now either. I visited Rick's store last year and it was delightful but then the Blue Mountains area is generally wonderful anyway. Congratulations on having your beautiful home featured Karen.

  5. Thanks Tracy. The magazine has certain changed and I don't buy it anymore either, which is a shame as there aren't any other magazines like the old Country Collections one...maybe we should start our own!!! Yeah the Blue Mountains are lovely, a few good anitique shops there as well.

  6. Karen,what a coincidence. I used to regularly visit Ricks online magazine and had a letter published in there. I haven't visited for a while now,as I have been busy writing my books. I used to chat on the forum all the time. I, like you loved the mag when Rick edited it,but it went to modern for me, even though I did have a photo of a vignette and comment published in the new one once. I must go and have a look at your home in there. Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment. x

  7. What a great write up about your house and amazing photos.

  8. I have just recently cancelled my subscription as I was disappointed with the whole layout. It's become like all the others out there. So pleased about your home being featured, lucky you. Take care, Karen. Hugs Sue

    1. Thanks Sue. I'd be surprised if the magazine people haven't noticed the decline in sales.

  9. Congratulations Karen!You must be so excited - you have done such a gorgeous job with your home and garden.

    Alicia xxx


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